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Central African Republic: raising awareness and preventing malnutrition in Bossangoa

Central African Republic: raising awareness and preventing malnutrition in Bossangoa

According to a United Nations report, 41% of the population in the Central African Republic (CAR) is undernourished. The Bossangoa region is one of those particularly affected by malnutrition.
Trapped in Fear: Syrian Refugees Face Unbearable Choices in Lebanon
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Trapped in Fear: Syrian Refugees Face Unbearable Choices in Lebanon

“I wish for death,” says Umm Khattab, a Syrian refugee who has called a flimsy tent along the northeast border of Lebanon home for years. “We live in constant anxiety and terror. Death has become more merciful than living here."
Statement on the accusations against MSF staff Fadi Al-WadiyaDonate

Statement on the accusations against MSF staff Fadi Al-Wadiya

On the evening of 26 June 2024, the Israeli authorities shared several new posts on social media about MSF staff member Fadi Al-Wadiya, who was killed by Israeli forces on 25 June, accusing him of being involved in military activities in Gaza.
MSF vaccinates nearly 40,000 children in the provinces of Moyen Chari and Salamat in Chad
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MSF vaccinates nearly 40,000 children in the provinces of Moyen Chari and Salamat in Chad

This vaccination campaign targeted children aged between 6 months and 10 years, and was accompanied by a catch-up of routine vaccination under the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) for 1,848 children aged between 0 and 11 months.
Disposing of disposable masks to protect people’s and the planet’s health

Disposing of disposable masks to protect people’s and the planet’s health

MSF launched an initiative to find alternatives to single-use surgical facemasks - one of the items most used by MSF medical staff across projects worldwide.
MSF strengthening commitment to access to products for healthcare
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MSF strengthening commitment to access to products for healthcare

New structure will continue vital work to improve access to products for healthcare for people who need them most.
Fighting in El Fasher remains incessant despite UNSC resolution, civilians are trapped and no aid can enter the cityDonate

Fighting in El Fasher remains incessant despite UNSC resolution, civilians are trapped and no aid can enter the city

Hospitals hit and death toll soars as violent fighting engulfs El Fasher, Sudan, leaving nowhere safe in the city; MSF calls urgently for protection of civilians, health workers and health structures.
MSF charters 80 tons of medical equipment and supplies for its hospitals in Port-au-Prince, ensuring continuity of operationsDonate

MSF charters 80 tons of medical equipment and supplies for its hospitals in Port-au-Prince, ensuring continuity of operations

Arriving after Port-au-Prince international airport reopened, these shipments meet the urgent need to resupply MSF's programs, but they are far from covering all the needs of the medical facilities in which MSF teams work.