Philanthropie — Médecins Sans Frontières Luxembourg



Companies and philanthropists, make a difference with us

Companies, foundations, local authorities, associations - thanks to your support, we can act quickly and independently wherever the need is greatest.

99% of our resources come from private funds!

86.4% of donations are allocated to our field operations.

Survivants sur le pont. Ils font partie des 254 personnes secourues sur la rotation 20 entre le 4 et le 6 décembre 2022 par l'équipe de recherche et de sauvetage de MSF. ©Candida Lobes/MSF

Associations &

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Commitment and 

Private donations make up over 99% of our resources.
It is through your support and commitment that we can act independently and intervene wherever the situation requires, without discrimination.

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Philanthropy in action

The brochure for philanthropists. Close to Médecins Sans Frontières operations.

Femme souriante en tenue MSF

Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is one of the world's leading independent international medical humanitarian organizations.

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemic, disaster or exclusion from healthcare in 74 countries. For over 50 years, our actions have been guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality.

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