Destruction totale de certains quartiers de Gaza © Mohammed Baba

War Gaza-Israel

Decades of repression and conflict exploded on 7 October 2023 when Hamas attacked Israel on a massive scale. In response, Israel launched massive attacks on Gaza. The bombing campaign spread across the Middle East and south with increasing brutality. We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to prevent more deaths in Gaza and to allow desperately needed humanitarian aid to be delivered.

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Thomas Kauffmann
General Director
MSF Luxembourg

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Dr Sohaib Safi sur le site de l'ancienne tour résidentielle Al Shuruk dans le centre de la ville de Gaza, démolie par une frappe aérienne israélienne lors de l'escalade de mai 2021. © Pierre Fromentin/MSF
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MSF response

Carte des opérations de MSF à Gaza au 31 mai 2024
Carte de sopérations de MSF en Cisjordanie le 31 mai, 2024 © MSF

How is MSF responding in Gaza?

Some health workers in the Gaza Strip and the Occupied Palestinian Territories say they live in constant fear, stress and anxiety as they continue to treat patients. They describe the large numbers of injured people with limbs crushed and burnt by explosions that they receive on a regular basis, and the fact that they have to carry out amputations without sufficient painkillers or anaesthetics.

They denounced the critical shortage of the medical supplies they need to save lives, caused by Israel's complete siege of Gaza in the early months of the war. They fled hospitals forcibly evacuated or attacked by Israeli forces, and took the unthinkable decision to abandon patients to save their own lives.

Après plus de six mois d'une guerre implacable, le personnel soignant de Gaza a dû faire face à des défis sans précédent pour fournir une assistance médicale à des milliers de personnes, tout en essayant de survivre et de gérer le tribut que la guerre a prélevé sur eux personnellement.  © MSF
Enduring the unthinkable: Gaza’s healthcare workers grapple with the mental health impact of an unyielding war
After over six months of relentless war, and according to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) mental health staff, the impact of working in such extreme conditions will leave scars for years to come.

The humanitarian situation is now catastrophic

Gaza's Silent Killings : The destruction of the healthcare system and the struggle for survival in Rafah.

Six months after since war broke out between Hamas and Israel in Gaza, Gaza's health system has been devastated, men, women and children are increasingly at risk of acute malnutrition and their physical and mental health is deteriorating rapidly, according to this report published on 29 April by MSF.

Rapport- « Gaza's Silent Killings : La destruction du système de santé et la lutte pour la survie à Rafah ».
Shereen se souvient de son terrifiant voyage depuis le nord de Gaza avec ses trois enfants. © MSF

Gaza before and after 7 October

This documentary was filmed in May 2023. It illustrates some of the challenges that existed prior to the full-scale war that began on 7 October. However, it also illustrates the fact that prior to October, Gaza had a robust and functional healthcare system, including advanced surgical care, research and antimicrobial resistance management. 

Today, that healthcare system no longer exists, having been systematically dismantled by bombardments, fighting, murders, abuses and arrests of healthcare professionals and patients.

Timeline of attacks on MSF staff and facilities

To date (15 May, 2024), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff and patients have been forced to leave 12 different health facilities and have suffered 26 violent incidents (an average of 3.7 per month), including air strikes damaging hospitals, tank fire on agreed shelters, ground offensives on medical centres and firing on convoys.

MSF has yet to receive any justification or admission of responsibility for the killing, maiming or dehumanisation of its staff and patients.

Les restes d'un véhicule de MSF, garé à l'extérieur des locaux clairement identifiés de MSF, après sa destruction délibérée par les forces israéliennes. Ville de Gaza, Palestine, 24 novembre 2023. © MSF
Strikes, raids and incursions: Seven months of relentless attacks on healthcare in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
In the last seven months the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip has been systematically dismantled. According to OCHA, 24 hospitals in Gaza are now out of service, while 493 health workers have been killed.

Our call for Gaza

In the face of this unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, and the fact that no safe haven is available to the Gazan population - including in the south of the Strip, where they have been forced to move - we have to take action.

Médecins Sans Frontières calls for:
  • an immediate and unconditional ceasefire;
  • the lifting of the siege;
  • and the protection of medical facilities and staff.

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Des habitants cherchent des survivants dans les destructions causées par les frappes aériennes à Gaza.©MSF

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