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Mussa, un an, au centre nutritionnel de l'hôpital MSF de Kenema.

We are 
Doctors Without Borders. 
Neutral. Independent. Impartial.

For more than 50 years, our teams have been working around the world with populations excluded from healthcare. 99% of our resources come from private sources. Only your support enables us to act.

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Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is one of the world's leading international medical humanitarian organisations. We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflicts, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from healthcare in 74 countries. For over 50 years, our actions have been guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality.

The Luxembourg section of MSF was created in 1986 and houses the operational research unit, known as LuxOR (Luxembourg Operational Research).

Who is MSF? What do we do?

Drapeau MSF

Our activity in 2023

Conflict was a major driver of human suffering and vulnerability in 2023, causing many thousands of deaths worldwide and displacing record numbers of people. As in previous years, assisting communities affected by violence was a significant component of MSF programmes. We also responded to disasters and disease outbreaks, and worked to improve healthcare for refugees, migrants and other marginalised people.

In Luxembourg, MSF was able to count on the support of nearly 27,000 active donors for more than 9.6 million euros raised, 85% of which went towards our social mission.

In 2023, your support was invaluable, because it alone enabled us to take action.

More information Year in Review 2023


Five facts about the war in GazaDonate

Five facts about the war in Gaza

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of US Congress, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières' (MSF) teams are responding to the unrelenting humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. More than 39,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and nearly 90,000 have been injured since all-out war escalated after Hamas’ attack on October 7, including large numbers of women and children, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza.
Recipes for Life: How Cooking Classes Help Reduce Child Malnutrition in Northern Nigeria

Recipes for Life: How Cooking Classes Help Reduce Child Malnutrition in Northern Nigeria

Since April 2024, MSF-supported healthcare facilities in North-West and North-East Nigeria are recording unprecedented surges in admissions for acute malnutrition among children. While struggling to provide life-saving medical care to an ever-increasing number of young patients, MSF teams also try to reinforce community-led responses. One example is in Kebbi state, where MSF outreach teams travel the roads to spread the “Tom Brown” recipe.
“We keep on losing patients”: Medical staff at breaking point by unrelenting waves of injured and killed in Gaza.Donate
War Gaza-IsraelTestimonies7/23/2024

“We keep on losing patients”: Medical staff at breaking point by unrelenting waves of injured and killed in Gaza.

Relentless bombings and airstrikes by Israeli forces continue to kill hundreds of people across Gaza, while medical staff in hospitals are stretched to their limits trying to provide care to the critically injured. In July alone, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams have responded to multiple mass casualty incidents at Nasser hospital, in south Gaza, Palestine. Javid Abdelmoneim, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medical team leader, describes a day in the life at the last remaining hospital in southern Gaza.
‘A war on people’ – MSF report reveals catastrophic toll of violence in Sudan   Donate

‘A war on people’ – MSF report reveals catastrophic toll of violence in Sudan

Amsterdam, 22 July 2024 - The war in Sudan has led to a collapse in the protection of civilians with communities facing indiscriminate violence, killings, torture and sexual violence amid persistent attacks on health workers and medical facilities according to a report released by Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) today.
Myanmar: MSF teams face major obstacles providing medical care to communities in Rakhine state
MyanmarAll news7/12/2024

Myanmar: MSF teams face major obstacles providing medical care to communities in Rakhine state

This June 2024, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was forced to indefinitely suspend its medical humanitarian activities in northern Rakhine following the extreme escalation of conflict and burning down of MSF’s office in Buthidaung Township.
Treating malnutrition in Afghanistan
AfghanistanAll news7/11/2024

Treating malnutrition in Afghanistan

Afghanistan's dire economic situation means that most people who would previously have been able to afford treatment in private clinics are now dependent on health centers supported by international organizations.
No end in sight: The repeated trauma of displacement for people in GazaDonate
War Gaza-IsraelPalestineTestimonies7/10/2024

No end in sight: The repeated trauma of displacement for people in Gaza

Since October 7, 2024, at least 38,000 Palestinians, more than half of them women and children, have been killed and 87,000 others have been injured. However, testimonies from MSF staff and patients, clearly show that nowhere is safe in Gaza.
Urgent call for Europe to improve treatment access for tuberculosis

Urgent call for Europe to improve treatment access for tuberculosis

Joanna Ladomirska, MSF’s Medical Coordinator in Poland, explained to MSF Luxembourg the catalytic effects of tuberculosis in migration contexts at EU level due to problems of availability, affordability and standard of treatments.

Stop profits on medical tests!

CEPHEID and DANAHER must lower the price of all GeneXpert tests to $5 for low- and middle-income countries.

 Sign our petition 

Time for five

We go where it hurts.

Médecins Sans Frontières is present in over 70 countries worldwide. We are driven by impact, not media visibility. We go where it hurts, where our teams in the field can make the most significant difference. It's on these themes that we're launching an awareness-raising campaign across Luxembourg that aims to reveal forgotten crises, those places in the world where needs are crying out but attention is rare.

Where are we?

© MSF/Stefan Pejovic

Epidemics & vaccines

Where people still die from diseases that no longer kill elsewhere.

© iAko M. Randrianarivelo/Mira Photo

Forgotten crises

Where everyone has forgotten you're there.

© Natalie Roberts/MSF


Where running away isn't even an option.

© Francesco Segoni/MSF


Where we have the same cancers, but not the same treatments.


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