Soudan du Sud – Août 2023. Regina, infirmière MSF, examine une jeune patiente âgée de deux jours. MSF gère la maternité de l'hôpital d'État d'Aweil, dans le nord du Bahr el Ghazal, au Soudan du Sud. © Oliver Barth/MSF

Our activity in 2023

Thanks to you, in 2023, MSF is:


99% of our income comes from private sources


active donors in Luxembourg

studies supported by the Luxembourg Operational Research Unit (LuxOR)

countries of intervention

Chaque jour du mois d'août, entre 2 000 et 3 000 personnes traversent la jungle du Darién, qui relie la Colombie au Panama © Natalia Romero Peñuela/MSF
Year in Review 2023
By MSF Directors of Operations - Ahmed Abd-elrahman, Oliver Behn, Dr Marc Biot, William Hennequin, Dr Sal Ha Issoufou, Kenneth Lavelle, Teresa Sancristoval.

We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the more than 69,000 MSF staff, who worked in over 70 countries in 2023 – often at great risk – to deliver medical care to people in need.

Our transparency

Your trust requires our transparency. The accounts and balance sheet were audited by PwC Luxembourg and approved by MSF's Board of Directors on 22 April 2024. MSF goes further by implementing and developing a range of measures to ensure transparency and to assure you of the proper use of the funds you entrust to us.





1€ invested in fundraising = more than 10€ raised

Our countries of intervention

*Countries/regions in blue have a total expenditure of less than €500,000 and are included in ‘other countries/regions’.

Nos programmes d'intervention en 2023

Our emergencies in 2023

Des médecins MSF s'occupent d'enfants dans l'unité d'isolement de la rougeole au camp de réfugiés d'Um Sangour, dans l'État du Nil Blanc

War in Sudan

This crisis was one of the most acute of 2023.

Hôpital indonésien de Rafah, Gaza. 27 décembre, 2023© MSF

 Israël-Hamas War

The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is now catastrophic.

L'impact du tremblement de terre du 6 février 2023. Province d'Idlib, nord-ouest de la Syrie © Omar Haj Kadour


One year after earthquake, mental scars are still raw.

Farhah Din Malik et sa fille à l'intérieur d'une des tentes MSF à l'hôpital régional de Herat.  © Paul Odongo/MSF


A powerful earthquake devastates lives in Herat.

30 janvier 2023. Hôpital de la ville de Vysokopilla, Oblast de Kherson. © Colin Delfosse


After the dramatic escalation of the war, our teams continue to intervene.

Logo LuxOR

The Operational Research

Since 2009, MSF Luxembourg has been putting its expertise at the service of our operations in the field thanks to the skills of the operational research unit in Luxembourg, known as LuxOR (Luxembourg Operational Research). LuxOR has progressively expanded its support for epidemiological activities in the field to strengthen MSF's use of evidence in operational decision-making. LuxOR assists project teams in collecting, analyzing and interpreting health data, with the aim of understanding the causes of disease, how it spreads and how to limit it.

studies supported by the Luxembourg Operational Research uni.

Operational Research training provided

MSF staff trained

 missions supported by field visits

Our activity report

Couverture rapport d'activités MSF Luxembourg 2023

Rapport d'Activités Luxembourg 2023 

In 2023, natural disasters and conflicts continued to unbalance the world: what we took for granted could topple from one moment to the next, in dynamics that have never been so changeable. Yet your solidarity and loyalty are bulwarks and a refuge from the many crises that mobilise our teams.

Your renewed support accompanies us, guides us and brings us together around a common humanity that we need to defend more than ever. Our supporters are our strength and our future, and we would like to thank you sincerely for that."

Esther Leick, Directrice de la communication et de la collecte de fonds.
Une mère et sa fille, lors d’une journée de formation des membres volontaires de la communauté à Couffo, Bénin. Grâce à leur relai, les soins maternels et pédiatriques disponibles sont mieux connus de tous et permettent d’améliorer l’accès aux soins. Avril 2023. © MSF/Esther Leick


Our action is possible because of you

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