Vue aérienne des combats et de la violence qui ont éclaté à Khartoum, au Soudan.  Mai, 2023 © MSF/Atsuhiko Ochiai


On 15 April 2023, intense fighting broke out between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khartoum.

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Thomas Kauffmann, Directeur Général de MSF Luxembourg

Thomas Kauffmann
General Director
MSF Luxembourg

Since war broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023, millions of people have lived through intense fighting. Looting has been widespread and attacks on individuals, including sexual violence, remain a defining feature of the war. An estimated 8.5 million people have been forcibly displaced, according to the United Nations. Many of them are living in under-resourced, under-served camps in Sudan and neighbouring countries. 

The situation is extremely dire. No one was spared, the destruction was immense and millions of people suffered.

MSF gère une clinique dans le camp de Zamzam, à environ 15 km au sud-est d'El Fasher, la capitale de l'État, qui accueille plus de 300 000 personnes déplacées. Les équipes de MSF offrent des services d'alimentation thérapeutique ambulatoire. © Mohamed Zakaria

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MSF gère une clinique dans le camp de Zamzam, à environ 15 km au sud-est d'El Fasher, la capitale de l'État, qui accueille plus de 300 000 personnes déplacées. Les équipes de MSF offrent des services d'alimentation thérapeutique ambulatoire. © Mohamed Zakaria
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A year of war in figures


people displaced since April 2023 (Source: HCR, 24 March, 2024).

attacks on healthcare in Sudan recorded by the WHO.


of the population has no access to healthcare.

De plus en plus de patients arrivent à l'hôpital de Bashair, le seul hôpital accessible dans le sud de Khartoum. Grâce à la présence de l'équipe MSF, Bashair peut prendre en charge la plupart des cas critiques et les autres services de l'hôpital ont commencé à fonctionner également. Mai, 2023 © MSF/Ala Kheir

Despite the difficulties, MSF’s presence and the medical care we have been able to provide demonstrate that it is possible to carry out humanitarian work in Sudan. Yet very often MSF teams find themselves the sole humanitarian actors in areas where we work. 

In the face of the immense needs, MSF calls for a massive and urgent scale-up of the humanitarian response.

On 28 November 2023, MSF's International president, Dr Christos Christou visited Jenin refugee camp and MSF-supported Khalil Suleiman Hospital. © MSF/Tetiana Gaviuk

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