This is our call for Gaza.

fond mobilisation gaza

Here's our call for Gaza:

  • We ask world leaders and organisations to exert their influence in favour of a ceasefire that will spare the lives of Gazans and restore the flow of humanitarian aid.

  • We ask Israel to lift the siege to allow increased and continuous humanitarian supplies to cross into Gaza. 

  • Protection for civilians and healthcare personnel and facilities on both sides, at all times; hospitals and ambulances are not targets.

  • Basic guarantees of safety to enable our teams to move to provide humanitarian and medical services.

  • Access to people in need of medical care and humanitarian aid, including the sick and wounded.

  • People to be afforded safe access to essential supplies like food and water and health facilities.

  • Increased essential humanitarian supplies like medicine, medical equipment, food, fuel and water must be allowed to enter the Gaza enclave.

  • Those who wish to leave must be able to do so safely without prejudicing their future option to come back.

  • In the West Bank, for Israeli authorities to put an end to the violence and forced displacements of Palestinians.

  • Israeli authorities must stop implementing restrictive measures in the West Bank that impede the ability of Palestinians to access basic services, including medical care.

  • Airdrops and sea routes are no alternative to aid delivery by land.

  • We call all on States, in particular the US, UK, and allied EU Member States, to do everything in their power to influence Israel to adopt a ceasefire and to stop supporting the ongoing siege and the continuing attacks against civilian and civilian infrastructures in Gaza.


MSF calls on the UN for an immediate and lasting ceasefire

Christopher Lockyear, Secretary General of MSF, called on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on 22 February 2024 to demand an immediate and durable ceasefire in Gaza. Addressing the Council at its monthly meeting on Gaza,  Lockyear also called for unequivocal protection of medical facilities, staff and patients.

The consequences of casting international humanitarian law to the wind will reverberate well beyond Gaza. It will be an enduring burden on our collective conscience. This is not just political inaction—it has become political complicity.” 

Mobilisation de l'équipe de MSF Luxembourg pour GazaL'équipe de MSF Luxembourg rejoint la manifestation pour un cessez-le-feu durable à Gaza organisée par Amnesty International à Luxembourg le 18 décembre 2023 © MSF
Rassemblement pour Gaza à Luxembourg. 18 décembre, 2023 © MSFRassemblement pour Gaza à Luxembourg. 18 décembre, 2023 © MSF
Joint press release from Luxembourg NGOs
Thomas Kauffmann au rassemblement pour Gaza à Luxembourg. 18 décembre, 2023 © MSF
Logos - 22 décembre 2023

On December 21, 2023, Médecins Sans Frontières, Unicef, Friddens Platform, CPCJO, CELL and Amnesty International joined forces in a joint press release to express their deep concern at the humanitarian tragedy and ongoing violations in Gaza and the West Bank; and their demands.

En savoir plus

Joint statement on the humanitarian situation in Gaza
Total destruction in some Gaza neighbourhoods. 10 October 2023
Logos de MSF Luxembourg, Handicap International Luxembourg, CARE Luxembourg et UNICEF Luxembourg

On December 11, 2023, Médecins Sans Frontières Luxembourg, Handicap International, CARE Luxembourg and UNICEF Luxembourg are joining forces in a joint statement to warn of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza and call for a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid.

En savoir plus

What is MSF doing in Gaza?

On May 31st, MSF currently operates in two hospitals (Al-Aqsa hospital, Nasser Hospital), one clinic in Gaza City, and five healthcare facilities, including one in Al-Mawasi in Rafah, two in Khan Younis, and two in Gaza’s Middle Area.

Our teams are offering surgical support, wound care, physiotherapy, post-partum care, basic healthcare, vaccinations, and mental health services. However, systematic sieges and evacuation orders on various hospitals are pushing our activities onto an ever-smaller territory and limiting our response.

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Patients à l'hôpital Al Shifa.  19 octobre 2023 © Mohammad Masri
Destruction totale de certains quartiers de Gaza © Mohammed Baba
Vue aérienne des habitations détruites à la bande de Gaza. Décembre, 2023. © MSF
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