Festival des Migrations 2025
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Review of the 42nd Festival des Migrations: A Weekend of Sharing and Raising Awareness

On Monday, March 24, 2025

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On Saturday March 15 and Sunday March 16, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was present at Luxexpo - The Box for the 42nd edition of the Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté. This new edition was a privileged moment to exchange with the public and share the realities on the field that MSF faces around the world. The event offered the perfect opportunity to raise visitors' awareness of the current humanitarian crises, and more particularly of the challenges facing vulnerable populations.

An information stand to exchange ideas and raise awareness

Stand - Missing Maps

Our information stand enabled our teams and several volunteers to answer visitors' many questions. Participants also had the opportunity to try their luck at our game contest, to win a meal for two at the Chiche! restaurant, or a signed and numbered photo taken in Chad.

Over the weekend, some 398 people came to find out more about our actions and missions. Many also took part in our Missing Maps game, which enables them to better understand the essential role of maps in the deployment of humanitarian aid, and to discover how mapathons contribute to directly supporting our teams in the field. By the way, our next mapathon will take place at the end of May - stay tuned for more information!

Younger children were also able to discover our work thanks to a fun activity book specially adapted to their age. Through games, coloring and a story inspired by real events, they were able to follow the migration path of people fleeing conflict zones.


Last weekend, I had the opportunity to volunteer with Médecins Sans Frontières at the Festival des Migrations in Luxembourg. Having always been sensitive to issues of diversity and solidarity, this event, rich in cultural exchanges, was a great opportunity to get involved. The experience reinforced my conviction that volunteering is essential to support important causes. I'd like to repeat this experience with Médecins Sans Frontières and I would urge anyone interested in humanitarian work to get involved, even in a small way, because every action counts.

Caroline - volunteer MSF Luxembourg

Immersion in the field with the exhibition and virtual reality

At the same time, 292 visitors had the opportunity to discover our photo exhibition on Sudanese refugees in Chad. Through poignant images, the exhibition highlights the daily challenges these refugees face and the importance of humanitarian aid in this complex context.

Thanks to our virtual reality goggles, visitors were able to immerse themselves in the heart of our humanitarian missions. Teleported into different types of projects, they felt the intensity of our interventions and discovered, through images and emotions, the reality of the crises our teams face every day.

I really enjoyed the festival, learning a lot about MSF, but also about the various global crises that are not sufficiently publicized, such as the war in Sudan. I highly recommend anyone to volunteer at this type of event.

Arthur , MSF Luxembourg volunteers at the Festival de Migrations

Exposition sur les refugiés du Soudan au Tchad
Activité de Realité virtuelle

Conference "Out of Libya : quelles voies de sortie de Libye ?


One of the highlights of the weekend was the conference "Out of Libya: which ways out of Libya?", attended by 60 people. Moderated by Nicolas Guyonnet and supported by Jérôme Tubiana, MSF Operational Advisor, and Umberto Pellecchia, Senior Qualitative Research Advisor for LuxOR MSF, the conference highlighted the dramatic situation of migrants stranded in Libya. Yonas, who survived detention in Libya and the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean, also shared his harrowing experience.

The experts highlighted the difficult conditions faced by migrants trapped in Libya, where escape routes are very limited. Many are forced to take to the sea, risking their lives in the hope of reaching a safe country. Legal exit routes do exist, but they are too slow and not easily accessible. MSF continues to advocate for the opening of new safe exit routes for the most vulnerable migrants, victims of torture and trafficking.

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Thanks to everyone who took part!

We would like to thank all those who participated in these moments of exchange, whether at our booth, through our activities, or at the conference. Your presence and commitment will allow us to continue to raise the voices of the most vulnerable and highlight current humanitarian issues. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!

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