ING Marathon 2024

Activity report 2022

Choose to wear the MSF colours on the day of the ING Night Marathon in Luxembourg!

I Run for MSF- logo

Turn your sporting challenge into a solidarity challenge and raise funds for Médecins Sans Frontières.

Your collection (contribution) will enable our teams to work alongside the most disadvantaged and provide them with vital medical care!


Register now for the I support MSF Challenge, as an individual or with your company's team (Please note that by filling in this form you will not be registered for the ING Marathon; you or your team must first be registered for the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg):


MSF Luxembourg 
68 rue de Gasperich
L-1617 Luxembourg

Tél.: +352 33 25 15

How to participate?

  1. Register now for the by filling in the form above
  2. Start your collection on Facebook, Instagram or on the platform, using our step-by-step guide.
  3. Share your collection with friends and family to help you succeed in your challenge and help vulnerable people.

Your support enables us to take action:

allow 5 people to be vaccinated against yellow fever.

allow 10 cancer patients to receive a dose of morphine


allow 18 people to be screened for dengue fever

fund 30 suture kits for our surgical operations


85% of our funds go directly to the field where they are most needed.

Médecins Sans Frontières is audited every year by an independent, approved body. We are committed to being totally transparent in order to maintain the trust you place in us every day.

To find out more, see our commitments in terms of financial transparency.