Les communes de Luxembourg célèbrent les 50 ans de MSF

"MSF dans les communes": 50 years of humanity close to you!

On Wednesday, April 14, 2021

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Throughout the year, MSF and its partners will offer a range of events around the 50 years of humanitarian action: exhibitions, films, rallies, etc. Find below the program, which will be expanded over the weeks and do not hesitate to come and participate with family and friends!


  • Movie & discussion evening: Friday, July 9th at 6:30 pm - in the Scheier
  • Escape Game: Saturday, July 10th and Sunday, July 11th at the Millen
  • Photo exhibition: MSF 50 years of humanity
  • An MSF menu at the restaurant An der Miller



  • More information to come


  • Organization of a rally on Sunday, May 16th
  • Photo exhibition: MSF 50 years of humanity visible in the town until June 30th
  • Other events during the year: stay tuned



  • More information to come


  • More information to come

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