Festival des migrations 2024: precious moments of exchange for MSF
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2 days, 350 people, 1 stand: our Festival of Migrations
We were present on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February at Luxexpo the Box for the 41st edition of the Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté.
The Festival is an opportunity for us to meet the general public and discuss MSF's social mission, the projects we carry out for people excluded from healthcare worldwide and our actions in Luxembourg. Members of the head office team and several volunteers were on hand at an information stand to answer visitors' questions. In all, nearly 350 people stopped by for a chat about our missions or to take part in a mini-game to find out more about the issues involved in mapping areas of operation. (Interested in the subject? We're organising our 1st mapathon of 2024 on 21 March at Belval Esch-sur-Alzette).
First presentation of our "Stop Ebola" Escape Room in Luxembourg
This year, we presented our exclusive "Stop Ebola" Escape Room at the Festival. Participants were able to discover the protection requirements of our medical teams working in epidemic zones. Working in teams of 2 to 6, they had 20 minutes to find the elements that make up personal protective equipment - required to enter the high-risk zone where confirmed Ebola patients are treated - and to dress in pairs. This immersive experience is designed to raise public awareness of Ebola and how Médecins Sans Frontières teams care for patients and their families.
A total of 89 people took part in the experience over the weekend.
As well as solving the riddles, the escape room was a real immersion experience and provided a lot of information about Ebola and its consequences. It made us aware of all the standards and precautions taken by healthcare teams during an epidemic. In the escape room, we understood the difficulty of doing our jobs conscientiously to prevent the spread of the disease, while at the same time having to meet the demands of a limited time in a high-risk situation. By wearing personal protective equipment, we get a better idea of what medical staff experience in a bulky, hot suit that is absolutely necessary to fulfill their mission.
Nathalie, participant in the "Stop Ebola" Escape Room
To coincide with the Festival des Migrations, we also launched our contest, which has already proved a big hit with visitors!
The good news is that the contest will continue online for another week. All you have to do to take part is fill in the form, subscribe to our newsletter and keep your fingers crossed to win one of the superb prizes on offer. Try your luck! The results will be announced the week of 11 March.
Are you more the active type? Take part in the ING Marathon and add an element of solidarity to your run by wearing the MSF colours.