Welcome to newcomers Pauline and Bahya-Batinda
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Pauline Moinault
Hi! I come from Tours in the center of France, where I studied Administration and Business Management as well as Finance and Accounting. After that, I studied Project management and worked one year in that field.
I'm joining MSF as a volunteer for 1 year in order to make a first step towards humanitarian work.
I like to do sports and good food :) I look forward to meeting you in the weeks to come!
Bahya-Batinda Dang
Hej, Dag, Bonjour, Hello, Buonjourno, Nangadef, Salamlekou (...) to all, I am an Epidemiologist and Biostatistician, with an initial training in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (option Laboratory Analysis) and additional trainings in Data Management and Nutritional Epidemiology.
I started my professional life in the Humanitarian field in 2006 (...) and I have been working for MSF (OCG, OCB, OCP) and Epicentre since 2016 as Epidemiologist in more than nine Countries in International Emergency and Development Field Missions, at the Headquarters in Brussels, Paris and in Home Base. I alternate this function with a regular position as Research Assistant at French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), based in Montpellier (France).
I thus reconcile my professional life in Public Health, mainly in Epidemiology, Nutrition etc. in Fundamental and Operational Research and Humanitarian Interventions/Assistance to vulnerable people.
November 2022, I integrated the LuxOR family!
An African adage says "alone we go faster, together we go farther" so I am very honored to join the MSF-LuxOR Epidemiologist Pool so that together we can carry far our mission of support to the Medical Department.
I look forward to meeting, discussing with each of you…why not for bowling, and basketball games!