Opération de recherche et sauvetage ©Virginie Nguyen Hoang/Collectif HUMA

Financial transparency

99% of our resources come from private donations. Your support and commitment enables us to work completely independently and to intervene wherever we are needed, without discrimination.

Donations are an essential resource for maintaining our missions, whether short-term (between 1 and 6 months for emergencies) or long-term (between 2 and 5 years).

We attach great importance to the source of our funding.

To guarantee our independence, we do not accept public donations (State, European Union, etc.). Over 99% of our resources come from private donations. It is through your support and commitment that we can act independently and intervene wherever the situation requires, without discrimination.

MSF Luxembourg's accounts and balance sheet are audited annually by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), approved by the General Meeting of Médecins Sans Frontières and filed with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés.




funds go directly into the field

Best management practices :

The rule of double-checking prevails in good management practices.

We apply it at every stage of the payment process: invoice validation, encoding and payment validation (at least two people are needed to validate any payment). Different people validate each stage.

MSF Luxembourg is run by an executive management team, which is responsible for day-to-day management in accordance with these rules. The management is also supervised by a Board of Directors, half of whom are doctors - a rule specific to MSF, which guarantees its medical vocation - and half of whom are administrators with diverse skills in finance, management, fundraising and communication.

We carry out regular internal checks and account reconciliations to identify any errors.

These best practices have been checked by our auditors (Pricewaterhousecoopers - PwC) and comply with official recommendations.

Engagement et transparence

Expenditure control

MSF is one of the largest and best known of the international humanitarian agencies. For this reason, our financial management is extremely rigorous.

Both the national accounts and the consolidated international accounts are audited and certified by company auditors.

MSF raises funds on the basis of its real needs and cannot build up local financial reserves of more than 6 months of local expenses. For each individual project, it is therefore possible to accurately match the amount raised with the amount allocated.

In this way, we can trace a donation allocated specifically to a project.

Our projects in the field are set up and managed directly by our teams. We therefore retain total control: we do not make transfers to local partners (or only to a very small extent), so the majority of our transfers are made internally, for our field missions. This greatly limits the risk of fraud. Any significant transfer outside the MSF movement would immediately be detected.

Répartition des dépenses de MSF Luxembourg
Engagement et transparence 2

Financial independence control

MSF wishes to maintain its financial and operational independence. MSF controls the balance of its expenditure keeping a ratio between the costs of its social mission (operating costs: missions and mission support, its reporting and public awareness campaign costs, and the administrative costs, including communication and fund raising.

MSF requires that a minimum of 80% of its expenditure be devoted to social mission operating costs, with 20% covering the remaining campaigning and administrative costs.

MSF and you: a trusted partnership

The accounts and the balance sheet are audited annually by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), approved by the General Assembly of Médecins Sans Frontières, and held by the Register of Commerce and Companies.

Annual accounts audited 2023

MSF Luxembourg Activity Report 2023

Your data security

No data relating to your identity is collected without your explicit consent.

The use of any collected data conforms to the personal data protection legislation (cf the national Commission for data protection and the general Ruling on data protection) which gives you the right to access, modify, correct, or erase your personal data.

Our confidentiality policy 

100% secure payment

This website is 100% secure. When making your payment, the bank details required are completely secured.

They are not stored in our computing system. Thanks to SSL encryption of your bank details, your internet transactions are guaranteed to be secure.

PTo be sure of this: the web page is secure when the Médecins Sans Frontières URL begins with https.