MSF distributes relief items and provides water to newly displaced people in a camp in northwest Syria, May 2019.


In Syria, civilian areas and infrastructure, including medical facilities, came under direct fire again in 2019. Thousands of people were killed or wounded, and many more driven from their homes.

MSF continued to operate in Syria but our activities were limited by insecurity and access constraints…

Read full article in International Activity Report 2019

Images contextuelles de l'impact du tremblement de terre prises le 7 février 2023. Province d'Idlib, nord-ouest de la Syrie. MSF n'opère pas nécessairement dans le lieu décrit ici.

Earthquakes of 6 February 2023

Türkiye and Syria have just been hit by an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale. Thousands of people died and were injured. In the first days after the disaster, with many people still trapped in the rubble, a race against time is underway to save as many lives as possible.

MSF medical staff have been at the forefront of treating patients since the earthquake, while our colleagues are themselves in an extremely difficult personal situation, many of them having lost loved ones in this tragedy. Two of our colleagues died in the disaster themselves.

What is MSF's response ? (updated 9 May 2023)

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