Dr Christou during his interview with Lisa Burke at RTL radio studio. October 2021.

MSF International President's coming to Luxembourg becomes top news story

On Thursday, October 14, 2021

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Different radio, television, online and offline newspapers, and other specialised media, highlighted the importance of the numerous activities held in the framework of the visit of Dr Christou.

Dr Christou dans son interview sur le plateau de RTL. Octobre 2021. Dr Christou pendant son interview avec Infogreen. Octobre 2021. Dr Christou pendant son interview pour le Wort. Octobre 2021. Dr Christou pendant son interview pour Le Quotidien. Octobre 2021.
Dr Christou dans son interview dans le studio radio de  RTL. Octobre 2021. Dr Christou pendant son interview avec 100.7. Octobre 2021. Dr Christou dans le studio de Radio ARA. Octobre 2021.

The events held by MSF Luxembourg to mark the 50th anniversary of the association and the meetings with the Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean Asselborn, and the Luxembourg Minister for the Economy, Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, Franz Fayotwere echoed, among others, by the following well-known media outlets:

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