[Debate] Access to Medicines: our moral imperative
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In July 2020, the Full ExCom agreed on a process to review MSF's approach on Access to Medicines. A team was tasked with the review and recently, they have made available a draft proposal that could dismantle Access Campaign as we know it. The proposal has raised a number of waves in the movement. Watch the video of the proposal presentation (password: asso).
• Is this proposal a way to centralise power of the 5 OCs in Europe, while the fight for access remains in the primarily attached to the global South?
• Does the presented proposal address the barriers of access to medicines, that we want MSF to address, in an effective and future looking way that aligns with who we are?
MSF-Holland association organises this debate in which we are welcome to take part. We need to hear your input so that we may put forward strong collective voices towards the proposed changes.
Join the debate on the 10th of February online from 16:30 CET. A panel of expertise will guide us through this topic.
If you are only learning about this review on Access to medicines, you can get updated on Souk and catch up with ongoing discussions on the platform. We look forward to participation in this event, from all MSFers, both new and seasoned members.