Adelia sourit en tenant son fils José Antonio sur ses genoux. À 18 ans et après des heures de travail, elle se sent épuisée, mais avec la joie de tenir son nouveau-né dans ses bras. Delta Amacuro, au nord-est du Venezuela. Mai, 2023 © Matias Delacroix

2023, the year in pictures

On Thursday, December 21, 2023

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This collection of 58 images, taken between November 2022 and November 2023, highlights stories and voices from around the world where Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working. 

Over the last 12 months, multiple acute humanitarian crises have emerged. Climate change continues to take a devastating toll on people's health and war has reached disastrous heights in several places. A brutal, deadly war has unfolded in Gaza, where attacks on health facilities put the lives of many of our staff and patients at risk. We mourn the loss of four Palestinian colleagues. 

This image collection provides a glimpse into the medical and humanitarian activities carried out by MSF teams in over 75 countries during the past 12 months. From providing basic healthcare in Venezuela, to rescuing people from the Mediterranean Sea and raising awareness on TB among neighbourhoods in the Philippines, MSF has continued to assist people and communities in need. 

From the tireless work of our staff to the resilience of patients fighting for their lives in difficult circumstances, these stories bear witness to the vital importance of worldwide access to healthcare. It is an essential need that should never be taken for granted, as emphasised in each and every one of these photographs. 



PERU - Treatment for people injured during demonstrations in Lima.

A 70-year-old patient is treated by MSF staff in Lima after being hit in the left temple by bullets fired by the police.

Un patient de 70 ans est soigné par le personnel de MSF à Lima après avoir été touché à la tempe gauche par des balles tirées par la police. Janvier, 2023 © Max Cabello Orcasitas


DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Aerial view of the Bulengo site for displaced people, on the outskirts of the town of Goma, in North Kivu.

MSF provides free medical assistance and drinking water to more than 7,000 households who have taken refuge there since 2023 following armed clashes in and around the Mweso health zone. The organisation is also building 200 latrines, 120 of which are already operational.

RDC Vue aérienne du site de déplacés de Bulengo, à la périphérie de la ville de Goma, au Nord-Kivu. MSF fournit une assistance médicale gratuite et de l'eau potable à plus de 7 000 ménages qui y ont trouvé refuge depuis 2023 à la suite d'affrontements armés dans et autour de la zone de santé de Mweso. L'organisation construit également 200 latrines, dont 120 sont déjà fonctionnelles. © Michel Lunanga/MSF


TÜRKIYE -Support for the mental health of people affected by earthquakes.

Semra Karaca, Sultan Kodaş, Hüseyin Kodaş and Şengül Kodaş (from left to right) live with their families in the village of Ören, on the outskirts of Malatya, Turkey. They have been badly affected by the recent earthquakes, as well as the heavy flooding in the region.

Semra Karaca, Sultan Kodaş, Hüseyin Kodaş et Şengül Kodaş (de gauche à droite) vivent en famille dans le village d'Ören, à la périphérie de Malatya, en Turquie. Ils ont été très affectés par les récents tremblements de terre, ainsi que par les fortes inondations dans la région. Mars, 2023 © Mariana Abdalla/MSF


CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC- Bienvenu, a disabled basketball player.

After an accident in 2016 in the Central African Republic, Bienvenu (a young man in a pink jersey) had his right leg amputated. He received medical care and physiotherapy from MSF, which performed the operation. On average, our teams at the SICA hospital in Bangui operate on and monitor around 320 people a month who have been injured in road accidents or situations of violence.

Bienvenu, un basketteur handicapé du RCA; Avril, 2023 © Kristen Poels/MSF


SUDAN - Emergency surgical team at Bashair hospital, Khartoum.

More and more patients are arriving at Bashair hospital, the only accessible hospital in the south of Khartoum. With the presence of the MSF team, Bashair is able to deal with most of the critical cases and the hospital's other departments have also started to function.

Équipe chirurgicale d'urgence à l'hôpital Bashair Khartoum, Soudan. Mai, 2023 © MSF/Ala Kheir


UKRAINE- An increasing number of patients need emergency medical care.

Dr Khassan El-Kafarna, head of MSF's emergency department at Kostiantynivka hospital in Ukraine. MSF teams have transformed the old pharmacy on the ground floor into an operating theatre to support the provision of care in Kostiantynivka.

Le Dr Khassan El-Kafarna, responsable des activités du service des urgences de MSF, à l'hôpital de Kostiantynivka, en Ukraine. © Linda Nyholm/MSF


MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Rotation 33 - Rescue 2 from the Geo Barents.

On 3 July 2023, the MSF team on board the Geo Barents carried out 4 different rescues in the Maltese SAR zone. A total of 196 survivors were rescued, including 47 unaccompanied minors, 16 women and 1 baby.

Le 3 juillet 2023, l'équipe MSF à bord du Geo Barents a effectué 4 sauvetages différents dans la zone SAR maltaise. Au total, 196 survivants ont été secourus, dont 47 mineurs non accompagnés, 16 femmes et 1 bébé. © MSF/Michela Rizzotti


DARIEN GAP - Migrants in transit through Ecuador, Colombia and Panama.

Between January and November 2023, almost half a million migrants crossed the Darién gap between Colombia and Panama.

Migrants en transit en Équateur, en Colombie et au Panama ; De janvier à novembre 2023, près d'un demi-million de migrants ont traversé la brèche du Darién, entre la Colombie et le Panama. Aout, 2023  © Juan Carlos Tomasi/MSF


LIBYA- Flooding caused by storm Daniel.

Aerial view of the devastation following the floods caused by storm Daniel, which ravaged the region, in Derna, Libya, on 17 September 2023.

Vue aérienne de la dévastation après les inondations causées par la tempête Daniel qui a ravagé la région, à Derna, en Libye, le 17 septembre 2023. © Halil Fidan/Anadolu Agency via AFP


AFGHANISTAN - Earthquakes.

Abdul Salaam digs through the rubble of what used to be his house with a shovel. His mother, sitting to one side, watches quietly.

Tremblements de terre en Afghanistan. Abdul Salaam creuse dans les décombres de ce qui était sa maison à l'aide d'une pelle. Sa mère, assise sur le côté, le regarde tranquillement. © Paul Odongo/MSF


PALESTINE- Hospitals in Gaza are under attack and overwhelmed by massive numbers of patients.

Dr Obeid, an MSF surgeon in Gaza, tells the story of a young boy who had to undergo an amputation without appropriate anaesthetics, which are no longer available. Essential medicines and humanitarian aid must be allowed into the Gaza Strip immediately in order to save lives.

Le Dr Obeid, chirurgien MSF à Gaza, raconte l'histoire d'un jeune garçon qui a dû subir une amputation sans anesthésiques appropriés, ceux-ci n'étant plus disponibles. Les médicaments et l'aide humanitaire essentielle doivent être immédiatement autorisés à entrer dans la bande de Gaza afin de sauver des vies. Novembre, 2023 © MSF


GUINEA - Portraits - Living with HIV/AIDS in Conakry.

Hassimiou Camara, MSF peer educator and person living with HIV, joined MSF in 2014. "A second chance at life".

© Namsa Leuba " data-type="image">
Hassimiou Camara, éducateur pair MSF et personne vivant avec le VIH. A rejoint MSF en 2014 "Une seconde chance dans la vie". © Namsa Leuba