20 students from Lycée Fieldgen discover MSF Luxembourg
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On 23 April, students from a 4GPS class at the Lycée Fieldgen came to our offices to meet us for half a day. 15 girls and 5 boys aged between 15 and 18 spent the morning with members of Public Engagement to find out more about MSF's humanitarian mission and try out the teaching tools developed by our teams.
The morning began with a presentation of MSF, the values espoused by the movement, the different contexts in which it operates in the field, and the activities carried out by the Luxembourg section. The young people were then divided into several groups to try out two activities developed in the Grand Duchy in 2023 and 2024.
First, the students discovered our Stop Ebola escape room. The "Stop Ebola" escape room, developed by Médecins Sans Frontières, is an immersive awareness-raising tool that allows students to immerse themselves in the day-to-day life of a medical team responding to an Ebola crisis, a highly infectious and extremely dangerous disease. Working in teams, the students had 15 minutes in an MSF tent set up as a changing room for medical staff to find the components that make up personal protective equipment (PPE). To succeed in their mission, they had to solve various riddles, the clues and solutions to which would enable them to acquire new knowledge about the Ebola virus: symptoms, treatment, prevention, etc., as well as MSF's role in combating epidemics and caring for patients and their families.
While one group took part in the Escape Room, two other groups competed in a game of Timerush. This board game, which aims to recreate the various stages involved in setting up an MSF humanitarian project (emergency or non-emergency), enabled the players to:
- become familiar with the logistical issues involved in our missions;
- develop cooperation between players
- learn more about the work of Médecins sans Frontières.
During the game, the students were able to use their pragmatic minds, make simple calculations, draw and guess words and answer questions about Médecins Sans Frontières.

Dr Michel Van Herp, expert epidemiologist, made himself available at the end of the morning to talk about his career as a medical staff member of MSF. He talked about what led him to consider a career in humanitarian aid and his most memorable experiences. He was also able to explain more about Ebola, protective equipment and crisis management, bringing his experience from the field to complement the students' experiments in the Escape Room.
At the end of the morning, a number of students shared their enthusiasm for the idea of a career in humanitarian aid... everyone left with a broader understanding of our actions and the challenges we face as professionals working in the field.