Acting where it hurts

© MSF/Stefan Pejovic

Acting where it hurts

Your support is the only way we can help people without access to healthcare
access to healthcare, anywhere, anytime.

Can we count on you ?

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Our teams are where it literally hurts.

Our teams work in regions of the world torn apart by conflict, hard hit by epidemics or ravaged by natural disasters. Whether or not these issues make the headlines, and whether or not reason would dictate that we should not surrender: our patients are in vital need of medical help.

Even if the situation can change at any moment, even if violence is a daily occurrence, even if we are sometimes targeted and even if working conditions are perilous... When you don't have to go, you have to go.

Logo de la campagne- Là où ça fait mal

Your support enables us to take action: 

© MSF/Stefan Pejovic


You enable 5 children to be vaccinated against yellow fever

I give 15 €



You allow 10 cancer patients to receive a dose of morphine

I give 60 €

© iAko M. Randrianarivelo/Mira Photo

120 €*

You enable 18 people to be screened for dengue fever

I give 120 €

 © Andrii Ovod


You help finance 30 suture kits for our surgical operations

I give 500 €

* from 120 €, your donation is tax-deductible.

85% of our funds go directly into the field

Thanks to your action, we save people in distress. In 2022, we carried out 


outpatient consultations


of measles vaccinations in response to an epidemic


of patient admissions

countries where we have intervened

We're there where it hurts.

Médecins Sans Frontières was founded over 50 years ago on the conviction that everyone has the right to medical care, regardless of gender, religion, belief or political or ethnic affiliation, and that people's health and humanitarian needs transcend respect for borders. We help people who are victims of :

Forgotten crisis
© iAko M. Randrianarivelo/Mira Photo
Epidemics & Vaccines
© MSF/Stefan Pejovic
 © Natalie Roberts/MSF
© Francesco Segoni/MSF

Why support MSF  ?

MSF is 99% privately funded. This independence enables us to intervene whenever an emergency arises, anywhere in the world, such as during conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics or population displacements. For an organization such as ours, donor support is essential if we are to pursue our missions.

Esther Leick, Head of communications and fundraising at MSF Luxembourg

© Francesco Segoni/MSF
Website 100% secured

Act where it hurts in more than 70 countries.

Where do my donations go?

Médecins Sans Frontières is audited every year by an independent, accredited body. 85% of our funds go directly into the field, where they are most needed. We are committed to total transparency in order to maintain the trust you place in us every day.

To find out more, see our commitments to financial transparency.

Frequently asked questions

Any other questions 

We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us by e-mail or call us on +352 33 25 15

Join the MSF community

Because being informed is already helping !

Relay our message, follow us on our social networks :

© Isabel Corthier/MSF

                                                   Thank you

Thanks to you, our action is possible

I make a donationI join the community