Dr. Oumou Younoussa Bah-Sow is Professor Emeritus of Pneumo-Phtisiology and Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, Gamal Abdel Nasser University (UGANC), Conakry. Former coordinator of the national tuberculosis control program, former Chair and Director of the Pneumology DES. Coordinator and principal investigator of several research projects, some of which are multicentric. She was a consultant and WHO official for several years. She is President of the National Ethics committee for Health Research (CNERS), President of the NGO Guinean Biosafety and Biosecurity Association (AGUIBIOS). She is a founding member of the Guinean Academy of Sciences (ASG), where she chairs the Health College. She is a member of Women in Global Health (WGH). She has received numerous national and international honors, including: Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite, Karel Styblo Prize, Africa Hero Award from the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

Dr. Gabriella Ferlazzo is an infectious disease physician. She works as TB medical adviser at Medecins sans Frontières (MSF) Access Campaign and as independent consultant for other international organizations and she's co-investigator for MSF endTB and endTB-Q clinical trials (RCTs).
She started her professional engagement in humanitarian settings in 2008, working initially as field clinician in the context of different migration, TB/HIV and Ebola projects, then as TB/HIV technical and strategic adviser for MSF in several African, Asian and EECA countries.
Gabriella's current research and advocacy activities, focusing on new TB/DRTB treatment and TB diagnostic strategies, aim at improving provision of TB/DRTB care for the most vulnerable populations, including children.
Nurse as a background with a master in bioethics, Joanna Ładomirska is a humanitarian at heart. 16 years working with MSF which 9 of them as medical coordinator took her through all different contexts of interventions around the globe. During her break from MSF she worked as consultant in the private sector in transformation and innovation processes.
She is a mother of 2 fantastic teenagers and considers empathy as her superpower.
Currently she is working in Poland as MSF medical coordinator

Dr. Anne Vergison first worked 17 years in the Brussels Children’s Hospital in Brussel as a paediatric infectious diseases and infection control consultant. During the medicine and then paediatric fellowship she gained experience and training in Kivu, DRC and in Brasilia, Brasil. She obtained a certificate in tropical medicine in Brasil, and a master’s in public health and a PhD in medical sciences, both in Brussels. Then she started working in Public Health, first in Brussel, then in Luxembourg. Since 2018, she works at the Luxembourg Health Directorate and since 2020 as Head of Division of Sanitary Inspectio
Dr. Amrish Baidjoe is an infectious disease Epidemiologist and Microbiologist specialised in humanitarian health emergencies and is engaged in bridging the needs between operational humanitarian organisations and other partners such as academia. He obtained his PhD from Radboud University Medical Centre and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He holds an honorary Assistant Professor at the LSHTM in the department of infectious disease epidemiology. He worked in different large humanitarian crises around the world. He previously worked in the WHO Health Emergencies Department, the International Committee and Federation of the Red Cross and was part of the outbreak investigation taskforce at Institut Pasteur (Paris) as well as the outbreak analytics Liaison at Imperial College (London). Since 2021, he’s the Director of the LuxOR Unit