Membership fee 2024
Membership fee 2024
You determine the amount of the annual membership fee.
To be able to vote, you must be up to date with your membership fee (free amount), to be paid no later than the day of the AGM, either :
- By bank transfer to CCP LU75 1111 0000 4848 0000 (Code BIC CCPLLULL) with the message "ASSO subscription**current year** / 6001",
- In cash on the day of the General Meeting,
- Withdrawal from your salary (only for members employed at head office): you can withdraw these 10€ directly from your salary. All you have to do is send your request by e-mail to your association coordinator, with a copy to human resources and finance.
- Use the form below.
Please note that if you use the form below, please pay by credit card.
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